Monday, January 31, 2005


elections in iraq were yesterday. i am sure this will mean a free and safe society for all. unlikely. i can only recall that the us government backed and supported saddam hussein through and after his worst atrocities. including the gassing of the kurds, where their response was to increase military aid and funding. they obviously have no interest in democracy.

on a lighter note, i will soon chop up my neighbours and put them in green hefty bags. fuckers.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


tonight, 2 people got into a fight at the drop-in shelter, right before dinner. similar to a calgary flames game, people stood up and gawked and there was excitement in the air. they were then split up by 2 staff members, and taken away(much like the referees). everyone then cheered and clapped. a fix for everyone's longing for nhl hockey.

i met a man who had been there for ten years, volunteering for 16 hours per day, 7 days per week. even though they had offered him a wage, or a spot in low-income housing he did not take it. all he asks for is 3 meals, and a bed at night. an amazing person.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


wow is this a killer flu.
after writing numerous letters to officials for the rights action campaign in guatamala and honduras, I finally got a response. I wouldve just assumed all letters would be deleted by their administrative assistants. although im sure it is a form letter, there are some very specific details regarding the issue at hand ie mining. so who knows, but its probably just wishful thinking..

there was some lame hollywood jesse james movie on last night, starring colin farrel (sp?). since id been recently listening to a ward churchill lecture (with a brief section on james/pinkerton), i wanted to see how pinkerton was portrayed. I never realized what a shady character he was.

Sunday, January 23, 2005


this morning i was rudely greeted with a flu. ug. sitting around all night watching the empire strikes back & full metal jacket sure takes it out of you. wtf?
i did all my recycling today and even visited my cousins and my mother. how decent of me.

i tuned into venture (, and it was focused on the pending energy crisis. it seems china and india are to blame once again. damn them for having more than one child per family. how dare they!
the program seemed to be focused on alternative energy. obvious solutions such as fuels from bio-mass, ie hemp, were missing. i believe the main character was mr. bush's energy advisor, which would more or less explain that. everyone interviewed seemed to be from houston or calgary, so the range of opinion was limited to say the least. but they did mention sawdust as a viable source of energy. i suppose..but sawdust doesnt grow on trees...

i generally enjoy the ever so slight left leanings of cbc, but i guess tonight it was not to be..