Monday, February 28, 2005


a small victory for common sense and human decency. a court has overturned a us government charge against a small company that uses hemp oil in their bar soap products in california. the government (dea) will have to pay back the company for its legal expenses. im sure the dea will appeal and so forth, but for now, its encouraging.
hemp is not a drug. its only contains trace amount of thc. ie, it cant be used as a recreational drug. even far right lobby groups state the war on drugs is a complete waste of taxpayers money. ie fraser institute. how long will the hypocrisy and oppression continue?
according to the dea's drug policy logic, poppy seed bagels should be illegal. poppy seeds have trace amounts of opiates(ie for heroin) in them, a far more addictive and destructive substance. but this morning i wasn't arrested while eating my breakfast..why not?

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

eye for an eye

the pope has now made similar comments about jewish people in ww2. i feel his were worse, as they had nothing to do with ww2. comparing abortion with the holocaust? but ive heard next to nothing about that. why not an outrage over that? what about all the suffering caused by the stance of anti birth control? a 2x2 inch article at the back of the newspaper, thats it. ok. thats fine if they execute ward churchill. but i want to see the pope next to him in the gallows. bullshit. the land of hypocrisy.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


so now the fox news crowd is calling for ward churchill to be executed for treason. and he has received numerous death threats. free speech! what a pathetic joke. far worse comments have been made in the past. he is entitled to his opinion. pure and simple.
if taking one statement out of context can lead to being killed, im glad i live here.

if my race was subjected to third word poverty and butchered like hogs over the past century, such as native americans, im sure i would be more than a little jaded. i hear horrible statements made in everyday situations, like "indians aren't real people".

talking shit and threatening death against someone, and not even face to face, is gutless.

i don't even agree with his ww2 comments(in the real context), but its his right. people working at the wtc on 911 were part of a doctrinal system that more than likely shielded them from the true horrors behind some of their employers.
but threatening violence against another human automatically discredits one's opinion.

but hey, that's just my opinion.

for a balanced opinion read -

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


newspapers such as the sun are so blatantly intolerant, its pathetic. i am embarrassed to be associated with a city who has a large readership for such papers. there are so many factual errors its not even funny. ignorance and bigotry galore. not to mention sexism.
there is a reason newspapers are referred to as fish wrap. that is their only useful purpose. or bird cages. in today's version, one of the writers called out ward churchill for not being an indian. good can people take this fish packaging seriously? right, left, up, or down, facts are facts. period. at least their so-called writing is confined to opinion..for now.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

thats all folks

looks like the tsunami disaster has fallen out of favor with the media. time to move on to more important things, such as johnny carson and state of the unions. are you surprised?
not really considering 28k people (women and children) perish each day of hunger or hunger related causes. a tsunami every 10 days. (i don't hear a peep about that - a silent genocide courtesy of the "developed" world) and its for the most part preventable. some farmers(corn) in the usa are paid not to grow crops by the government. something wrong with this picture? and people seem surprised when the 3 billion people living in poverty(some worse than others) are resentful even hateful towards the 3 billion who don't live in poverty. its not rocket science.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


you know what is fucking annoying? belligerence and being patronized. i seem to be putting up with a lot lately. and everyone's endless whining about being depressed and keeping up with the jones'. lame.
ive been groovin' to samiam this week, and i just had a feeling they'd be on tour. low and behold they are! but its in europe. damn. last time they were here they used field day's drum set. i went with a dude from houston and his girlfriend. we talked about pizza and then she left because of an athsma attack. memories..