Friday, May 19, 2006


im sitting at my desk, taking a break from my day with a little writing. :) the open spreadsheet is preped and ready to switch to, for any sneaky would be tattle tales who come by. it's like a ghost town, even the little stores downstairs are very empty for a friday. everyone is sneaking away to go to BC or something like that i suppose. i am lame and feeling sick, so no travel for me this long weekend.
frugality and old age-worry have been on my mind lately. how caught up should i get in both? probably a lot less than i currently am.
i will be catching alkaline trio next week with the rest of the mall rats. ill probably stick out like an old-sore thumb. sigh. r.f.t.c has been on my mind a lot lately. in the car, on the stereo. they just rock so hard. fuckin awesome. sucks they broke up. i think im becoming totally out-of-touch and disconnected with newer music and associated scenes. and pop culture. but its not really bothering me much nemore. maybe a little. you can only do what you can do, right? ha!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

point well taken

time is the room of human development. a man who has no free time to dispose of, whose whole lifetime, apart from the mere physical interruptions by sleep, meals, and so forth, is absorbed by his labour for the capitalist, is less than a beast of burden. he is a machine for producing foreign wealth, broken in body and brutalized in mind. yet the whole history of modern industry shows that capital, if not checked, will recklessly and ruthlessly work to cast down the whole working class to this utmost state of degradation.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

ah ha!

fuck you gwyn morgan, for now at least..but im sure he'll find a spot somewhere in harpers coat pocket eventually..
you know what's cool in calgary? uprise fest(past already). and haymarket cafe. things like that put a smile on my face. at least someone is trying.
can i read about socialism and listen to the stray cats? or is that ironic?
i like summer. it is super warm. but the large gaggles of people enjoying it make me horribly uncomfortable. i like empty winter streets. go oil.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


this is very sad, please read, and then go do something for someone other than yourself:
interesting - in many states of the us of a, fundamentalist christian groups are banding together and gathering votes and large sums of money to vote out judges, or bash judges in the press, whom they see as not adhering to their narrow, ignorant view of the world? ie any judge who has ruled for anything close to being against their values on; gay marriage, abortion, stem-cell, school vouchers, or anything else they "believe" values my ass..why do they only seem to care about the unborn? how about the 28k children per day that die of starvation? id rather be aborted than live a short, brutal, abusive, hatred-filled, violent, excruciatingly painful life. anyway..damn are they organized.

"Your brain is clay
What's going on?
You picked up a bible
And now you're gone
You call it religion
You're full of shit"

Monday, May 08, 2006

2 months

holy shit. that was fast. i guess i should write stuff more often. or not. since i am in "research" mode or whatever. but still..feeling horribly uncreative(sp?) lately. can't even draft a decent email. at least im reading like a mad person. book on the essential left, endless health food shit, ink mags, music publications. makes me kinda happy. new tat is drafted up, thx roomie. soon consult and then i will have a spanking new bonsai tree. what will be next?..well see..
i see harper appointed gwyn morgan to his council of shitbags. mr. anti-immigration/greedy/exploitive jagg off. i guess that could be either. i bet the people in ecuador don't think we should kiss his ass so much. i think he's been profiled in every newspaper, plus local "arts" mags, as a modern capitalist hero. fuck off. makes me feel semi-non-worthless to be toiling away as a civil servant..ha.
saw minus the bear lately, was ok. not my thing i guess, but i can see how people like them. also c'mon, which was disappointing. crowd was lamo.